Well, after a mad final week of no sleep and a huge amount of new inventory and a few new products, small show #1 turned out to be a total bust - not just for me, but for the other 7 vendors as well. The promoter didn't advertise properly and we all took a hit because of it. All the vendors left (including myself) halfway through the sale. Oh well. The up side is that I got to set up my stuff and see how long it took me and see how it looked. I met several other vendors and from them have found out about two other shows.

So, on to show #2 - just one week later - had all my inventory, but no sales satisfaction from the first show. After working sooooo hard for that first show, I was in terrible need of a big payback. This second show was one step up - truly a Flea Market instead of a craft show(not really my market), but nonetheless - I got to figure out my outdoor setup and made some sales and practiced the art of the sales pitch! Success!? Sorta, but not to the level that I need yet...
So, onto show #3 - in a couple weeks - June 11th. This is definitely a better one - 29th Annual South Windsor Strawberry Festival and Craft Show.(an actual craft show!) I sent my application in today - hopefully I make it in - it is pretty late and there may already be someone selling baby gifts, we shall wait and see. If I don't get in - it will be Tag Sale day like the rest of the Parkman School families.

In the mean time - I have a big order to fill for a shop in Australia that will be reselling my gifts at Tattoo, Car and Alternative Shows! What fun! I get to make more novelty items - loooove it!
My Etsy shop it doing well - I have sold over 60 items and have a few custom orders in the works right now. I am continuing to sell gifts locally by word of mouth too and have family members to create for as well. I now have the
Belly Time Blankie (modeled by little Ezra) and the
Clean Cheek Cloths and will be doing receiving blankets soon as well...keep an eye out!