It's April 1st tomorrow. Time flies.... My business taxes are completed (my man is happy about that). I am getting the call of the outdoors - the spring weather, the little green tufts rising in the garden...... This is a bad time of year for my business. I almost completely shut down last summer because I was outdoors the whole time. I cannot do that again this year. I need to dedicate an allotted amount of time to this job every weekday.
Again, the whole question about working from home comes do you do it? How do you balance the time with your job and your family (especially when the sweet warm breezes and little giggles are flowing in your window)? I was lazy this year - after a snafu with an online gardening supplier, my seeds are not yet started for the veggie garden. I MUST do it this weekend.
My man has been away since Monday and is on his way home right now. When he goes away for work for a week, we always spend the evening together when he returns. So, I know I won't get any work done tonight.
My daughter wants to have a playdate with a neighbor I have never met, so if we decide to do that, I gotta clean my disaster of a house (and it IS a disaster after this week of laziness).
So, why am I here writing about it? Procrastination.
I gotta get out of it. I need a protein bar and something to pump me up because I got a full day ahead of me of laundry, vacuuming, mopping, bathroom cleaning and dishes to do. My children tend to get crabby after their daddy is away for the week and let's face it, I am much more snippy too! Ugh. I would so much rather be playing words with friends on my kindle and sipping coffee.
Oh well - at some point I will figure out how to juggle work and home while being home. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be grateful! Help!