I am super excited about the two newest members of the family! Two of my cousins had their very first little babes just a day apart! Two sweet little (over 8 lbs?) boys! Being in the business that I am in, of course, I would be excited about new little ones to make goodies for! The first one came early and so I am scrambling to get my gift out asap - the second one is already outfitted with my Michael Miller "Giraffe Love" nursery set.
My father is the oldest of six kids. My older sister and I have grown up with LOTS of younger cousins and I always considered myself very blessed to have them. Even though we didn't see each other often growing up, when we did see each other, we would just pick up where we left off last time. The feeling of closeness was like brothers and sisters, not just cousins.
I was the first one to get married.
I was the first one to have children. I had three of them.....
My kids are now 7, 5 and 3. After having my third, (and being the brunt of a big joke about whether or not I was pregnant as Thanksgiving again....) the next oldest cousin had his first baby. Finally, I am not alone! Three years later my older sister had her much anticipated first baby (my sweet, sweet, sweet little niece - who BTW, is a huge fan of my Tiny Tag Teething Toy). Now, all of a sudden there are two new babies to add to the fray! Hurray! I am no longer the one with "more than half" the kids! HA!