Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Most Awesome Job Evaaaaaaa!

So, how incredible is it when your business is making baby gifts and your one and only sister is having a baby?  Wahoo! Is about all I can say.  I keep showing my husband things I am making for my sister and brother-in-law (and the baby of course!) and he just shakes his head at me and the enormous pile and I sorta smile shyly and giggle. 
Well, I cannot help it!  Of course I am going to make a whole bunch of stuff for my sister!
Baby shower this weekend - I can't wait to see what she thinks - not only have I made her atleast one of every item I sell at my shop, but, I have also enlisted other incredible Etsy artists to make them some other items to go along with mine! 
Pictures to come later - don't want to spoil the surprise.....