Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Daunting Task Ahead..

I always considered my sister the queen of procrastination (she would agree).  It was like clockwork, I would get a call from her some random afternoon just to chat.  It was always suspicious....my family doesn't "chat" much.  We call with a purpose only.  So, I always knew that she had some sort of ridiculous deadline the next day that she was procrastinating for.  Too funny.  I would give her her much needed break from the writing and she would (hopefully) get back to her work with a fresh outlook. 
So, I guess I better call her now because my piles are getting bigger and my deadline is getting closer.
Why is it that when I need to get more physical stuff done, I go into cleaning or organizing mode instead of work mode?  Yes, it feels good to organize my fabrics according to size, product, color and design(what am I doing?) - but is it necessary?  Wouldn't I benefit better from actually making an item instead of preparing to make it easier to make the item? hahha of course.
So, what do I do now to get out of the procrastination funk?  I have already drank a half pot of coffee, played with the boys, set up new apps on my little fingers gifts facebook page, cut 10 yards of terry cloth for burpers and read a gazillion FB comments about the royal wedding (I dvr'd it to watch later - heh heh - I cant believe I just admitted to that).
Oh, I know - blog about it.  Maybe now I can get back to work - talk to ya later.....(hopefully not)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAH!!! I am totally with you! Hope you got some stuff done!
