Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week #3 of Single Parenthood in 5 Weeks.....

Yeup - my husbands job is unpredictable because it is located in another state.  Sometimes, he has to go back to his main office for a week at a time.  Sometimes he goes once in 3 months - sometimes it's more.  This just happens to be week number three in the past 5 weeks of him traveling for his job.  I am exhausted.  Kids, house, new business, new garden, waaaaaaaay too much compost to move with the wheelbarrow, and no break from my husband for 5 days.  My body hurts.
Good new is - I get to watch whatever I want on tv while I sit around in my bright orange sweatpants and overly enormous sweatshirts and drink tea and eat whatever girl scout cookies we have left for dinner.A little catching up on some series like Pushing Daisies, Chuck, Vampire Diaries and Fringe and maybe some chick movies like Dear John or A Room With A View, or maybe some eye candy like the new Spartacus series...mmmmmmm yum....muscles.

Anyone wanna join me? Maybe there will be wine...


  1. oh god, that sounds sooo good. the last part that is!

  2. yes - wine is gooooood....oh, and muscles too.
    I actually decided upon The Jane Austen Book Club for myself tonight. Caught up on Pushing Daisies last night...with an enormous peanut butter cup sundae from our local creamery....yum

  3. Oh, and the new AMC series, The Killing...its a killing!
