Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Babies Love Skulls!

 Is it strange that I should find skulls, daggers, tattoos  and cowgirls appropriate imagery for a baby bib or blanket?  Hmmm.....
I always love finding the strangest fabric I can (love the basics too) to make my gifts.

Scary - Silly - Novelty - Absurd - Burlesque - or just plain Ridiculous! (I am going to be making stuff with playing cards and dartboards - hehehehee)

Honestly, I guess the question is really this - do OTHER people find this imagery appropriate?  I hadn't really pondered that question until I opened my etsy shop last month.


I was a mad and maniacal computer woman - checking my sites to see if anyone had favorited the shop or an item of mine, if anyone was viewing my gifts or liking my facebook page or reading this blog. My kids only got a dazed look from me when they came to see me, wondering if they were going to be fed or if they were just going to have to fend for themselves with Kix and crackers...

Funny thing is this - on my etsy shop, the most views I get ARE for my oddest fabrics!  I have been open for one month right now, I have sold 17 items online, had my shop favorited by 8 people, and had 12 specific gifts favorited and one of them put in a treasury list.  Out of the 12 favorite items, 5 of them are my crazy novelty fabrics! So, I guess the answer is yes! - other people find my novelty fabrics fun too.

Now, would ya just buy 'em since ya like 'em, people?  Every baby needs their own skull bib! :-)

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