Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Every Baby Deserves Something Handmade...

I have been inspired - a cloud has passed and I am feeling like a whistling bird again!  I read such a lovely discussion on Etsy Success about how important it is to convey the soul of your handmade item.  In this day and age - so many more people are going back to basics with different aspects of their lives: growing their own food, buying organic, shopping at farmstands, joining CSAs, buying  eco-friendly or sustainable products.  You can see it everywhere --- even at the big ticket stores.
Hey - I am all for it!
I also think that many of us are finding that certain things are better and certain things are worse.  These days, an appliance is made to only last 5 years - a table you purchase at a big store will fall apart in 7 years - nothing is made anymore with enduring qualities...craftsmanship is not found here.
It is a common thread.  Unfortunately, with this economy, most of us cannot afford to buy from local artisans all the time.  I remember my last home in western NY state - there were Amish folk everywhere.  They grew the best flowers and veggies and were so friendly and affordable.  They built gorgeous cabinets and furniture - wow, I wish I could furnish my whole house their wares.....They took great care with what they made - using skill and artistry to build each and every piece of furniture, - rocking chairs, beds, bassinets, the family table. 
True craftsmanship.
So, this Etsy discussion was about how to convey your soul in each piece that you make and sell on Etsy.  It made me think about how I label my gifts and describe them and tag them.  Maybe it shouldn't be about cookie cutter explanations - it really should be about the story behind that particular piece - what made it special to me.  It reminded me that each and every piece I make whether it be a blanket for a friend or a bib to post on my site is made with the utmost care by me, Heather - a person with a story just like everyone else.  I choose all my fabrics, wash, dry and fold them, cut the patterns, sew them together like little stories.  I know who I am making them for - little fingers - that's where the name came from.  Soft, chubby little fingers that every parent has kissed, held onto while learning to walk, taught to clap, washed gently and softly placed on their own cheeks.  I know these gifts are for your children and your friends children and with every choice, cut and stitch I believe it shows in my work.  Yeup - they are baby gifts and you can buy baby gifts at Target or Walmart or Babies-R-Us....but, don't your little fingers deserve something handmade?  yes, especially something that is stitched with love...love from me.

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