Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How Do You Clean Chapstick Off Your Sofa?

Somebody throw some ice on me, because I am boiling right now.  It's a wonder I don't watch my boys like hawks knowing all the myriad naughty things they can be doing in just a few seconds of time.  I blame my first child - she is just too sweet and innocent and well-behaved.  I have been permanently spoiled.  Her teacher called me yesterday and actually joked with me about wanting to take her home if I ever wanted to get rid of her!  Ha!  Take my boys, not my daughter!  OK, I am just kidding, my boys are truly awesome little dudes - super adorable and intensely loving - they are just boys.  Ya know - boys will be boys?  Well, to what extent can we just keep saying that excuse?  When do we say, NO, that's not OK, even for a boy?  Again, I am spoiled by my easy first child and am under a cute little boy mind control as well....so, somebody please throw some ice on me to not only stop my anger, but wake me up from this hazy outlook!
Here's the latest - I walked downstairs to water some seeds that I am growing indoors for our garden.  It literally took me 5 minutes to complete this task and come back upstairs. In that time, my youngest - my 2 1/2 yr old - decided it would be a good idea to open a tube of Grape Craze Chapstick, unscrew the entire stick of waxy goodness and then proceed to pull it into pieces and rub the purple goo all over our sofa, (which incidentally still does not have the freshly washed cover on it yet)  OMG!  I walked up the stairs and into the den where I saw him sitting in front of his masterpiece and looking like he knew what he did was wrong ( as soon as he saw MY face)  How do you clean this? I have no idea....
The irony of it all is that I was just talking with my girlfriend last night, while sitting on this very sofa, about taking a step back when your kids do these 'kids things' and how to not get too upset.  She had mentioned a certain little daughter of hers cutting a hole in her new furniture because she wanted to see if her Mom could mend it with that Magic Mender 'as seen on TV' product.  Too funny.  In hindsight she doesn't care - its just a piece of furniture, but at the time she was really angry, but she took a step back and didn't go completely ballistic on her daughter.  So, as I walked up those stairs and saw the mess, I told him he made a big No - No and proceeded to clean up what I could.  He immediately apologized - "I sorry Mommy" in that sweet little high-pitched voice with those big baby blue eyes, and what did I do?
It's just a sofa and boys will be boys.

To be clear though, I am still boiling.  I hope no one gets in my path for the next few hours....


  1. OH MAN! Hence my love of our leather couch. The guy at the store wasn't kidding when he said that it's the best thing for kids and dogs!

  2. Ya know - I believe you are right. I am going shopping right now.
