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Friday, March 25, 2011

Cheater's Guide to a Clean House - Parenting.com

OK - even with just two agreeable comments about how hard it is to work from home with (or even without) kids, I am now determined to find an answer. SO, here's a breakdown of what most people have to do on a daily basis: clean and dress themselves and their children, feed themselves and children, clean the home (including dishes, tidying, laundry, occasionally vacuuming and bathrooms) and make some sort of family dinner (atleast I try to). Oh - and work at your job, yes, that too. Of course, you really need to add in there that you need to play with and enrich your children as well......:-)
So, here's my first tackle: cleaning. I am a notoriously poor housework housewife. I loathe my inner housewife duties. I hate the word housewife, too. Let's just call me (and whomever agrees) a structural manager. Anyway, I don't like to clean - never have. I still shiver when I hear Elvis Presley or Frankie Valli because that is what my mother would blast when it was time for my sister and I to help clean the house. So, with three young kids, I am pretty much screwed. No matter how many times you tell them to eat over their dish or to wipe their hands on their napkins (instead of under the table or on the furniture) there are a multitude of crumbs and smears everywhere they go..... It's like a trail of evidence....
Just this morning, my youngest decided to put Chapstick on the sofa - of course, I just washed the cover and FORGOT to put it back on. Great. Excellent.
So, with my hatred of cleaning part explained - here is a small light at the end of the tunnel - an idea to try:

Cheater's Guide to a Clean House - Parenting.com

We'll see how long this lasts....

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