Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

That Dreaded Day...

OK, we all know it is coming at some point, that day when your kids start to surpass your knowledge of certain things - how to play a game, say a slang phrase or look cool in school.  At 36 years old, I was so sure that that day was waaaaaaaaaay far away.  Ya'll know what I am talking about - I still feel like the exact same person that walked into her first college class.   The same person that met her husband at age 20 in the basement of a fraternity house drinking cheap beer for a measly 5 bucks all night long.
Yeah, the same person that just got up at 6:30 on a Sunday morning; made breakfast for her family of 5, unloaded the dishwasher, did the dishes, drank a pot of coffee, folded the laundry, worked at her new business and it is still only 9 am.  Wow. 
But, this particular morning is a little different.  A certain young 6 year old, that doesn't spend much time playing video games was just overheard telling her father -in that 16 year old girl voice- how to play an I-Spy game on her little brothers Leapster.  Of course, I was in the other room taking care of my housewife duties when I heard this and immediately walked into the den to point and laugh at my husband who tried desperately to explain that he knew how to play the game and was just being nice to the kids.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am still LMAO. 
Honestly, I have to admit that I had no idea how to play the game my kids were playing and that I am just as lame as my husband.  Yup - I may have childishly pointed and laughed at him for being told how to do something by his kids, but it was just an infantile defense mechanism of mine (I am the second and last child, ya know).  I know, very well, that today is that dreaded day when my husband and I start to realize that we may not be as cool as we think we are and that our kids are growing up and becoming their own little entities.  We may still know more than them right now, but from now on, my husband and I are forever tainted.  We were just served by our 6 year old and there is no going back.....

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