Hiya Bloggers! Enjoy my blogs about life, crafting, kids and the gray hairs popping out of my head. It's all about having fun
here - just the way it should be! Go ahead - post a funny moment too, we ALL need to keep the laughter going!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Do You Work From Home?

Seriously? How does anyone work from home without being interrupted, being distracted or feeling guilty around your small children?  Really?  I am currently typing this with a 4 year-old on my shoulders and a 2 year-old banging his grocery cart against my computer tower.  I can't believe I haven't made a spelling error yet...
Oops - there goes a crayon under my desk....oh, now it is being used to draw lines all over the desk.  Hmmm, somehow I just don't care. :-)
Actually, my boys are pretty fun to be around, but just like a cat jumps on your newspaper as soon as you open it up, your kids sense when you want to get a few minutes of work done and they climb on your lap as well.  It's almost uncanny.
Guess I haven't much more to say today, but gotta go - gotta go play with my kids.  They are, after all, the reason why I have this business.


  1. LMAO!!!! I couldn't have put it better myself! I don't think I've ever even thought that I could do it! I just do the best I can and hope to make a little money in the end!!

  2. Yeup - a little money and the glowing pride of owning your own business no matter how small, right? Keep it real, sista.

  3. Looks like you are doing great! I just started trying to do a little freelance work myself, and it is definitely tricky to find that balance. Let me know if you figure it out because I certainly haven't! :) BTW, I love all your new stuff!

  4. Thanks for the compliments Jen! And thanks for following my blog everyone! I haven't figured out the work-home schedule yet and it's been trying. My boys are definitely restless...
    Send me an email and tell me about your freelance work!

  5. Wow! I guess I am not the only one thinking about how to juggle everything these days - just read an article in the paper yesterday (can you believe I had time to read the paper?) by my fav blogger and columnist in the Hartford Courant, Jim Shea. Check it out - while yer there, check out a bunch of his stuff - he tells it like it is... www.courant.com/tooshea

  6. Um, I love that Heidi is playing dress up in her Flower Girl Dress! BTW...your blog is starting to give me anxiety about being a stay at home mom...and I don't even have children yet. HA! You're doing a fab job, lady. xoxo

  7. OH Ali! She actually went to a Masquerade Ball with her daddy (run by Girl Scouts) and so we thought it was appropriate to get out the gown! No anxiety - it just takes getting used to. :-) xoxo Bwahahahahahahahahaha
